Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Club Update

We haven't been posting too much about the club lately so here's a quick update:

-We bought GE a few weeks ago when it was at $12.50 (little did we know it would lose 44% of its value in such record times). The club is still confident that this will rebound and make a profit in the long term, but the recent plunge may have delayed that time frame from being a 1 year turnaround to a 2 year turnaround. The financial track record with GE is too long and too strong to get weak in the knees now and give up, the club feels.

-We've been working slowly on bylaws regarding club accounting practices, and look to start writing bylaws on voting and stock evaluation in the next month. After that we need to write additional bylaws about meetings, attendance, adding new members, and more. After all the bylaws are written, we will consider opening the club up to new members.

-We have another salvo of investing cash and are considering where to invest next. Several options are out there, but we're still researching new stocks and opportunities as well. MTW is the leader in the clubhouse, but we're not in a rush to put money into the market right now. This isn't to say that we're afraid or are trying to time the bottom, we just don't feel urgently.

I'll try and make these posts a weekly edition on Tuesdays to give you readers an insight into the car-azy world of our investment club.

Are there any interesting stocks out there that you would like to recommend? Any interesting stories about developing your own club's bylaws?

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