Monday, March 2, 2009

Dow Below 7000, head to the bomb shelter

Today the Dow closed below 7000 for the first time since 1997, less than half its peak in 2007.

The Street is wary, says Forbes.

MSN Money asks its users if they will ever invest in stocks again. Many say no.

Look up, the sky is falling.

Is it hard to have faith in the market right now? It sure is. There are fear mongers and Chicken Littles everywhere out there. In the media. On the message boards. Through the blogs.

This is the downside to risk, the downside to getting fat off of greedy capitalist schemes. This is the downside to too little regulation, to not enough regulation. We knew it could all go wrong and now it has.

Or has it?

If you're not a little afraid right now, you're not human. If you're not strong enough to have faith right now, you won't see the promise land.

Get together with your fellow investors, be you in an investment club or not. Assure each other. We'll make it through, come sub-7000, 6000, or 5000.

Turn off your TV.

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